To provide education for disadvantaged children in Johannesburg South Africa
This is a website dedicated to schools to show how you can help Sparrow Schools Foundation either by fundraising, donating or volunteering.
Sparrow Schools in Johannesburg, South Africa were started by Jackie Gallagher in 1989.
Sparrow is an Educational Trust comprising of two schools and a Further Education and Training (FET) college where over 700 children and young adults, unable to cope in mainstream education, are given a chance to become contributing members of society. Many at Sparrow come from families devastated by HIV/AIDS.
There are children who have faced abuse, exploitation, deprivation and homelessness. Some are orphans and will never have experienced parental love; many live in the townships and will have had to fend for themselves from a very young age. There are children with serious learning difficulties and there are children who have the kinds of problems that result from years of neglect. All of them are in desperate need of the help that Sparrow can offer if they are to break out of the cycle of poverty.
For further details of the amazing education and work provided by Sparrows Schools Foundation, click here.