You can donate online at by clicking the link here of by scanning the QR code below
Join our new Bursary schemeBy donating £15 a month you can fund a bursary for a selected pupil through Sparrow Combined School. These bursaries are a contribution to those pupils who cannot pay the basic school fee and receive no support from family members, the government or other charities. In return you will receive an annual update from the child that you sponsor. You will be allocated a pupil throughout their school career so will be able to see how they develop and grow. We run a tiered donation scheme, so if you would kindly like to donate more than £15 a month, you will receive the following benefits:
If you would like to send us a cheque, please download the Gift Aid form 2014. Cheques should be made payable to Sparrow Schools Foundation.
BACS payment should be made to
Bank: CAF Bank, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ
Account name: Sparrow Schools Foundation
Sort code: 40 52 40
Account number: 00017598
For further information on projects you can support at Sparrow Schools, please email