There are numerous ways to help Sparrows Schools Foundation.
- Volunteering as part of a school group on a trip, as an experienced teacher or as an individual such as in a Gap Year has great benefits not only to the school but volunteers always find the experience enriching.
- Fundraising is another option with a selection of ideas shown:
Fundraising ideas
There are endless ideas but below are some of the most popular options. Some can even be adapted to be done virtually. Just make it fun, so all want to participate, and more money is hopefully raised consequently!
- The 1p Challenge – Starting with just 1p, put aside a little bit more money each day, increasing 1p at a time for a set time.
- Spare Change Challenge – Give each class an empty bottle (the same size, such as a 2 litre drink bottle) and set up a competition to see which class can fill it with change the fastest.
- Guess how many sweets in a jar/ Name a teddy bear – pay to enter
- Sponsored events – eg. skipping, walking, Zumba
- Art competition based on a fun theme – pay to enter
- Best photograph – eg. of local area, dressed up pet, best caption, on holiday, selfie etc. Pupils and even staff pay to enter. Person who wins get prize (perhaps donated by local business or school itself) Judged by Headteacher.
- Mufti day/ Dress up on a theme eg favourite film, book – pay to dress up
- Talent show, music concert, Karaoke (X-factor style) – pay to enter or watch if not performing
- Clothes drop-off scheme for families to dispose of unwanted goods, with proceeds going to the school and onwards to Sparrows. One such operator is
- Alumni Fundraising – Reach out to former students and ask them to support their old school. This works especially well if you have an engaged database of ex-pupils to which you regularly communicate the school’s news. (As well as donations, former pupils may be willing to provide free or discounted professional services – such as legal advice – or discounts on new equipment through their current employer.)
- Sponsorship letters – Pupils write to businesses asking them to sponsor events/ competitions and/or give a prize. (Pupils can remind them of the tax write-off!)